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anne :
Is Fabien a video game character?
If yes, what does he look like? Can you tell us about
his mission if he has one? His environment?
fabien :
It is something more abstract than that. Surely there
is a game behind it, but it is a vague entity, an
amalgam of all the games I know. There is a narrative
in the album, but no story. It is a narrative as
that formed by listening to a soundtrack of video game
but without the video game. It's a game we don't know.
We could post a picture anyway. I played
Wonder Boy while I was doing the album.

anne :
Do you like heroes?
fabien :
Yes, especially very tiny heroes, like tiny marios,
tiny links, tiny megamans, tiny quotes.
I like how they are made beautiful and heroic with
just a few small pixels. They are very elegant.

anne :
How's your favourite monster?
fabien :
I have no idea there too so I'll post a picture of Sephiroth.

anne :
It looks very bad.
fabien :
I love all the monsters I think.

I love those with phallic stuff.

anne :
Is there a monster in the Fabien album
or is it there none at all?
fabien :
There is no monster.
anne :
What is the most difficult mission that you've
done in your life?
fabien :
I finished middle school.
anne :
Have you ever listened to rock?
fabien :
Yes, I'm listening to the album Leprosy by Death.

In my album, I think I have the impression that music is played
by real snowmen, a real rock band. It's real rock music
we can play together. They're really into the music, they are
really giving their best.

anne :
What is Fabien in the Fabien album?
fabien :
It is, FABIEN.
It's writing your name on a wall or table, or a sheet of paper
while no one's watching. To sign something that you didn't do.
Because it is ours. To say hello.
anne :
fabien :
But not just that.
To sign to say we're here, and everyone can come
with if they want. But perhaps this is the definition of graffiti.
anne :
Do you want to say something more that I have not thought
about the album Fabien? About the party perhaps?
fabien :
It's always the party.
anne :
Then it's party.

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